最近不懂为什么会有一种感觉觉得自己在浪费时间。还没进大学时说什么如果课业上的没有用的话就多学如何去举办活动或是什么的至少以后出社会会用得到。可是,却突然发现自己不但没在学业上有用工,就连该学的像如何去举办活动也没学习到。就拿个例子来说,UMT的学生联络我说想要举办program gathering 的时候, 本身是觉得不错。可是,当他问我东西的时候才发现我好像什么都不会。UMS的海洋科学有什么特别,我答不出。他们过来可以举办什么活动??也没头绪。唉.... 真是的,突然觉得自己好像是在浪费父母的钱哦.... 又想起我朋友的那句话了:“你们这些学生啊,有什么好骄傲的??还不是在浪费父母的钱而已?”想想啊,也对。比起在工作的他来说我们还真的是如此啊....
“世上有两件事不能等,那就是行孝和行善。” 这句静思语啊,大家应该都懂得,可是真正在作的又有多少位呢?? 我有没有在行孝?? 我也不懂,毕竟自己啊曾经是妈妈最头痛的女儿,说来真的很可笑。以前的自己总以为家里是避风港,他们永远也不会舍弃我而去,所以总是不停不停的忽略他们。什么时候的自己突然有所改变的呢??想不起来了,只是突然发现家人很重要。还记得我一个朋友说;莹莹,你变了。对啊,连你们都发现到了吧?? 以前的自己是朋友叫出门就出门, 现在当然是家人为先啊。
新的一年就要到了,可以在这里许个愿吧?? 呵呵.... 希望家人都健健康康的,当然还有你们这些可爱的朋友们咯。
organising a program, these things u cant learn from lecture..u'll need a team for brainstorming, from previous experiences, and also from friends.. going to uni isn't just about going for lectures, memorising books n notes then be a wooden thinker, u'll need to widen ur perspectives, get all sorts of experiences, know all types of people, and be keen to wats happening around..
回覆刪除and about wasting parents' money for studying, ask ur friend to wait another 10 years then we shall see.. Aim for longer vision and don get restricted by a short one~ U'll see.....
i bet ur parents will be proud of this daughter of theirs in no time...and apart from family, friends r very important too~ u'll just need to balance out the time for both parties.. ^.^
actually I'm also headache now coz I have been assigned as a group leader in charge of programs for 第十五届全国大专砂拉越升学辅导生活营..UMS will be in charge of programs together with UTHM..3 days 2 nights, not easy...
thanks.... will balance out my time and learn more... ^^
回覆刪除jia u jia u!
回覆刪除u'll learn a lotz from these~
ohya btw, u can change ur timezone and also close the annoying "tracking" posts thgy..haha
回覆刪除??? ano... i am still new here...so what do u mean nan ping san...
回覆刪除Wanna learn the theory of balancing?
回覆刪除haha.... So easy only....... Remember 3 rules:
1) keep balancing all parties.
2) keep practicing 1st rule.
3) don't forget 1st rule.
hey, u cant read chinese also want to comment...
and this is the chance i give u to learn mandarin.. ok ?? haha...
when we post comments, we'll need to type some freaking words to track us (word verification), only then our posts will be published. try to close tat..
回覆刪除if cant find then nvm lo~